STE project continues its commitment in the environmental monitoring to preserve the Red Sea coral reefs.

Thanks to the project, we give useful information to the Egyptian authorities in order to protect the natural beauty that you have just visited. Since today, we have indicated the importance of maintaining and extending protected areas that act as biodiversity reservoirs for all the nearby reefs and mooring buoys systems that prevent damages caused by free anchoring on the reefs.

Thanks to you and all the other volunteers, STE project shows in real time the environmental variations and the incorrect actions, because it is able to continually collect data along the Red Sea coast. The project gives hope to all of us because coral reefs can keep living healthy with the monitoring effort. Furthermore, it guarantees and will guarantee the survival of the Red Sea coral reefs and its inhabitants in a compatible way with the human activity, made more sustainable by the project itself.


Thus, the progression of our scientific research is essential in order to help the management and conservation of this marvelous natural resource.

Today, you can contribute immediately to preserve coral reefs: visit our website and give a liberal contribution.

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Your contribution will make possible:

1) the maintenance of scholarships for student and young researchers who work hard at the analysis and dissemination of the data that you contribute to collect in the Red Sea,

2) the purchase of powerful computer and advanced software that will allow the elaboration and the statistic analysis of the big amount of data collected till now,

3) the training and the presence of the project operators in the Red Sea to enlarge tourists and environmental sustainability,

4) the dissemination of the results to the more important international scientific congress and to the competent local authority,

We hope that you could also economically sustain the project. Your further contribution, that allow the advancement of the project, will give hope to the coral reefs and their inhabitants to survive in the future and to stay immolate for the future generation

Donate now!

The STEproject staff